Demandbase has announced the availability of the Dynamic Audiences feature to its flagship ABM Platform. The new feature aims to optimize marketers’ ABM strategies by automatically updating campaign audiences with the most relevant target accounts, based on CRM updates and other events that support a specific campaign.
Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Dynamic Audiences aims to enable practitioners to:
· Automatically advertise to new accounts as they progress through the buyer’s journey;
· Prioritize marketing investment on accounts showing interest in users’ products;
· Deliver relevant content to target accounts; and
· Save time and resources by creating always-on campaigns.
“B2B Marketers continue to fight many uphill battles when it comes to influencing revenue, including identifying and updating their audience lists to ensure their campaigns are reaching the right accounts,” said Peter Isaacson, CMO of Demandbase, in a statement. “Automated Advertising using Dynamic Audiences allows marketers to quickly create a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ approach to their account-based marketing.”
Dynamic Audiences will be available worldwide in February 2020.