In ABM In The News

By Brianna Ruback

Synthio, a B2B contact data maintenance platform, released its Contact Data Management for Salesforce (CDM-SF) platform, which is designed to easily incorporate Synthio data into the Salesforce platform.

The new platform aims to provide a complete and correct database for ABM and demand gen programs, as well as customer billing and partner management. It is positioned to connect directly to a customer’s Salesforce database, automatically update incorrect or incomplete records and does not require manual inspection or editing.

“Historically, data maintenance has been expensive and burdensome, costing American companies upwards of three trillion dollars per year, according to a survey by IBM,” said Bill Curran, CEO of Synthio. “And bad contact data affects more than the bottom line. Synthio’s CDM-SF platform will give B2B companies the satisfaction of knowing that they have complete and correct data as the foundation for their mission critical programs.”

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